Vanamahotsava Ceremony 2021
Vanamahotsava Ceremony 2021 Vanamahotsava Ceremony by planting 20 saplings in the Estate by Rtn Sudhir Jalan, President along with his family on 18th July 2021. Saplings of 5 varieties were planted: Guava, Kokum (Punarpuli), Sapodilla (Chikku), Mango and Neem. Want to...
COVID19 Relief – Contribution towards the installation of Oxygen Generation plant at Lady Goshen Hospital, Mangaluru.
COVID19 Relief – Contribution towards the installation of Oxygen Generation plant at Lady Goshen Hospital, Mangaluru. Rotary Club of Mangalore through its Charitable Trust contributed a sum of Rs.2,00,000/- towards the installation of Oxygen Generation plant at...