Brahath Swachchata campaign

Brahath Swachchata campaign
Rotary Club Mangalore and RCC Kumpala organised Brahath swachchatha program, cleaning alongside the Highway from Kumpala to kotekar on 1st October, 9.30AM onwards .Nearly 100 Volunteers from RCC participated.
Brahath Swachchata campaign
Brahath Swachchata campaign
Brahath Swachchata campaign

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Contributions to any of our projects may be made to our charitable trust. Kindly contact us regarding any contributions. Donations made to Rotary Club of Mangalore Charitable Trust are eligible for deduction under Section 80G of the Income-tax Act 1961 as per letter No.R-28/80G(R)CIT/MNG/09-10 valid from 01-04-2012 to perpetuity.